Thursday, June 5, 2008

Web 2.0 thoughts

Web 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you?

It means that no matter how much people sugarcoat it, libraries are a dying species. Evolution is no guarantee of survival. The individual is the new librarian. Log on, Google, find, happy. Granted, there must be someone to place this information on the internet, but all it takes is one. Not a group of educated people desperately hanging on to an archaic tradition.

I love libraries. I always have. But I also loved old-school video stores that only carried videotapes. A new technology came along and wiped the old one out despite all the desperation and trepidation. That's what's happening here with libraries and all this Web 2.0 nonsense. Web 2.0 is just another name for a meteor destroying an age or a plague wiping out a civilization.

Future (but not too far out) generations will probably say the same thing about this Web 2.0 and internet antiquity. Move on, latch on to the next stage, and ride it 'til the end.

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