Friday, June 27, 2008

final thoughts

Some people might take this opportunity to complain about all of this and even things that have nothing to do with this project. I thought about it. But what good will complaining do?

Instead, I'll take this opportunity to say it was fun when it was and wasn't when it wasn't. Adieu.


The PBCLS audiobook site thing is great if you want some popular, known titles. Otherwise, not. Downloading audiobooks is a good idea if you have the right equipment. Otherwise, not.


Podcasts are great if you're bored and have nothing to read or watch. Finding podcasts is easy, too. I use iTunes to find some cool timewasters like Pod Crawlers. Great show.


I've wasted countless days on YouTube looking at everything from faux movie trailers to stuff like this:

Awesome. Just awesome.

YouTube is easy to use and you can find just about anything on it.

Friday, June 20, 2008

playing with it

Oh look! Google Docs. The site I was just talking about! Simple, just a click away, Google Docs is my kind of site!


Zoho is an online word processor thing. Great for people who don't have access to Word and would also like to share their documents. However, Google Docs is available without having to sign up for another account and I prefer that much more than having to sign up for another account when I'd be only a click or two away from Google Docs. Cool idea though.